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Category: Piles

Anorectal disorders are the painful conditions like Fissures, Fistulas, Piles and PNS that affect the anal region. Surgeries that are undertaken to treat these conditions in anal and rectal regions are known as Anorectal surgeries. Depending on the disease, there can be various causes and symptoms associated with it such as pain and itchiness around anus, uneasy bowl movements etc.

What are Piles?

Also called as Hemorrhoids, Piles are caused due to excessive swelling that arises inside and around the back passage (anus) and the anal canal. Situations that can develop piles are constipation, pregnancy, ageing, hereditary factors, heavy lifting or even chronic cough.


  • Bright red blood after a bowel movement
  • Itchiness around anus
  • Lump in or around your anus
  • Mucus discharge when emptying the bowels
  • Pain while defecating


Most piles don’t need surgery. Surgical treatments for piles are an option if you have severe piles, other treatments haven’t worked, or your piles keep bleeding. There are different types of surgeries, including the ones below.

  • In haemorrhoidectomy, any piles causing problems are carefully removed by making incisions around the haemorrhoid. The patient can usually go home in a day in this surgery.
  • In stapled haemorrhoidopexy or Minimally Invasive procedure for hemorrhoids (MIPH), the area of tissue with piles is stitched higher up your anal canal. This means your piles won’t come out from your anus anymore and will shrink. The advantages of MIPH over conventional surgery are minimal pain, faster recovery, short procedure, minimal blood loss, no external cuts and lowest recurrent rate.
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